Will you know what to do when you are faced with a situation where you may have to defend yourself or your family? Are you prepared for the financial, moral, physical, and legal consequences of your actions? This class will help you understand these and many other concealed carry responsibilities.
Experienced Multi Certified Instructors - Veteran Owned Business - Complies with Virginia Statute
Upon successful completion of this class, you can apply for your Virginia Concealed Handgun Permit. The Virginia permit is valid in 35 states. The decision to Carry is a very personal one and our charter is to insure that each student receives the very best education to insure they are prepared for the responsibility to carry concealed. Our NRA and United States Concealed Carry Association Instructors are professional experience trainers that have helped hundreds of new students. The USCCA multimedia training material will greatly enhance your learning experience . The videos and slide shows are hands down the best in the industry
Register now and reserve your spot. No commitment You can pay now or at the door.
ArticlesFollow us | Class ScheduleBugout BagWhat should I have in my get home - bag. Read more HolstersTake a look at the new "deep cover" below the waistband holsters . Read more. WHEN to Shoot Is Just as ImportantWhen to shoot is just at Important as How to Shoot Read more. |